Our Story for Gateway Domestic Violence Center

Sunday, July 10, 2011


"Things won't always be this bad."

If you had told me this 17 years ago, I wouldn't have believed you.  While I was living the nightmare, it felt like everything was going to be difficult and sad forever.  I didn't see how it could ever end unless I was dead.

I had just had a baby and my ex husband had just discovered Crystal Meth.  He was using every night to stay awake working a night shift and coming home in the foulest mood you've ever seen.  It didn't matter what I said or did, it was wrong.  When he wasn't high off that nasty stuff, he was drinking excessively.  He was violent, very violent.  I wanted out but he put a loaded shot gun to my head and made it clear that he would blow my head off if I ever left him.

Is this where you are right now?  Do you want to leave but it is too dangerous?  Reach out for help.  Just talk to someone.  There is hope.  It's not easy, but miracles are waiting for you.  Your life doesn't always have to be the way it is right now.  Don't stop believing that this too shall pass. 

Maybe he has taken away your power.  Maybe he has robbed you of your security.  Maybe he has damaged your faith.  Maybe he has smashed your self esteem.  BUT DO NOT LET HIM TAKE AWAY YOUR HOPE!  That is yours, and he cannot have it.

The National Domestic Violence Hot Line
1 800 799 SAFE (7233)
Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

If you have been blessed to live a life without violence, please support your local Women's Shelter.  In these hard economic times, these nonprofit organizations need your help.

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