Did you know that Domestic Violence affects 1 in 4 women in the United States? This statistic is mind blowing to me. This means we all know women who are affected by Domestic Violence.
If you want to help, all you have to do is two things. First, ask the question: "Is someone hurting you?" She may have been waiting and waiting for someone to ask.
She may deny it. That's her choice and she may have several reasons for not telling you. But at least she will know you care and are concerned.
She may think you are crazy for asking if she is not being abused, but I don't think she would be angry about it. She would probably thank you for caring about her well being.
She might confide in you that yes, in fact she is being abused. Here comes the second part. It is very simple. Give her a phone number. You can give her your local domestic violence center's number, your state's hot line number, or the National Domestic Violence number. Encourage her to talk to someone who can help her. She doesn't have to make a decision right then and there to leave her partner. She can get advice about what to do or maybe just have a trained volunteer to talk to.
So, that's all there is to it. Don't be afraid to ask: "Is someone hurting you?"
The National Domestic Violence Hot Line
1 800 799 SAFE (7233)
Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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